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Clients include
Zootech’s primary focus is on ensuring Aquatic Exhibits are an “investment” rather than just a cost.
Zootech management and staff were all zookeepers and are therefore able to manage projects and handhold key stakeholders at all levels through the master planning, exhibit design, LSS specification, Installation and ongoing maintenance of the exhibit.
We have an in depth working knowledge for the care of a wide diversity of species including true LSS for Corals, Fish, Inverts, Amphibians, Penguins, Pinnipeds as well as Filtration on Rhino, Hippo, Ungulate, Tiger, Flamingo and other mammal / bird exhibits.
Zootech consistently focuses on energy efficiency and keeper resource to support the provision of best in class equipments for biological and mechanical filtration including all types of Filters, Foam Fractionators, Ozone and UV sterilization equipment.
We undertake LSS audits on existing exhibits to interrogate efficiency, providing detailed reports on suggested improvements as well as offering support and ongoing maintenance services.
Proprietary products include Aquatech Dephos, a phospate removal product and the Aquatech range of Kreisel Jellyfish Tanks - we also have a sustainable Jellyfish captive breeding facility in the UK
Zootech are members of The Zoohouse, the Aquatic Animal Life Support Operators (AALSO), the Aquarium and Zoo Facilities Association (AZFA) & the British & Irish Assciation of Zoos and Aquaria (BIAZA), we are also the UK distributor of OC1 Filtration Media and the natural Hydroclay pool liner to zoos, aquaria, conservation and aquaculture professionals.
All products are delivered next day unless otherwise stated. Pricing and detailed product information are available by calling 0330 311 2575 or e-mailing interest@zoo.tech . PLEASE NOTE: This site features selected products only, please call us with your specific requirements, we'll be happy to help. Zoohouse Member Discounts Apply.